Freedom village
Book Review 11/5/24
by J. James
This is the true accounting of the now historical event, by the people who experienced first-hand the loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, of homes, the division of families and finally the violent and brutal assault against them by a police force instructed by an abusive government ignoring the rights of the people. The photo of the lone solider, in the introduction sets the scene. An elder, a veteran who had fought for our freedoms, fully dressed with his medals proudly on his chest, saluting the convoy as they drove by spoke, without words, the feelings that compelled everyone to stand in atrocious weather to cheer them on. It was all about freedom, the freedom to choose. This book is riveting. It is a first-hand account by those that were there. The Authors have done an amazing job retelling the events and sharing the stories of others as they unfolded. The love, the comradeship of shared purpose, the leaderless camp, attended and supported by hundreds of thousands at home, kiwis from all walks of life, using their human rights to seek change to what was the biggest medical experiment ever. All the evidence, the real truth of why when and how is in these pages, in the stories of those who were there and in the Official Information Acts that the media and govt pretend don’t exist. This is an enthralling read, an historic accounting, and a reminder to us all of just how easy it was for our rights to be over ridden and abused by an out-of-control system, who it seems answers to no one. I highly recommend this be essential reading so that history never repeats.