Friday 17 May 2024, 11:38AM
By J. James
Freedom Village The real story of our 23-day occupation of parliament grounds – by Sue Grey and Alan Simmons Credit: freedom village
Freedom Village The real story of our 23-day occupation of parliament grounds by Alan Simmons & Sue grey. A Book Review
The book opens with the words of Alistair Harding, Film maker/journalist
..”..Sue and Allen have created a book that will be worthy of the very kiwi description ‘Taonga’ for our nation’s history. This book is a treasure because it is the first-hand account in the absence of any true journalism of the time. And so one day, this story will be the source material that historians will turn to – when they will find a vast difference between the voices of the people who were there and the narrative spun by a news media that mostly appeared incapable of any empathy for their fellow New Zealanders who had their lives destroyed by the vaccine mandates…”…
This book includes testimony by those hundreds of thousands of kiwis who lined the streets all over the country, many in pouring rain to wave on thousands of people in cars, buses and trucks, travelling to wellington with hope and excitement in their hearts that people power and human rights would prevail. This is their story too, in their own words. The convoy to stop mandates was on and the legacy media and politicians without exception condemned it at every step.
It is important to remember that the definition of a pandemic was changed from deaths to cases, and a case for cases had to be made Remember all those people lined up to get PCR tests in car parks to find out if they had covid.
Remember when every official voice in unison said it was safe & effective? It wasn’t.
Lest we forget, forcing people to choose between an experimental injection which was NOT a vaccine but a gene editing technology that in order to be called a vaccine necessitated a definition change so that using the term vaccine sounded better than “you have to have an experimental GMO gene editing experimental injection or lose your job. The offical hype was it was safe and effective, yet hundreds of loud voices called foul, Doctors, Nurses, esteemed well credentialed people, people we relied on as a society to inform us. Professionals we trusted to do us no harm. Many of them losing their jobs because of it. Many others gagged, all because they asked a simple common question.’ how could it be safe when it was rushed at warp speed and there was no medium or long-term studies. No one, lest of all politicians, could say with certainty. But their mantra was safe & effective and in doing so they betrayed the people and abused their trust and set in motion what is retold within over 300 pages of this book
The contrast between people’s personal experience with the disinformation by the politicians, its paid for media and the medical council is revealed. As yet there is no accountability, so this book and its personal retelling gives us insight as to why people convoyed and the eventual unplanned occupation of parliament grounds and why the majority of kiwis were cheering them on.
It is essential and riveting reading. A chapter of history that those who were not there and those that get their information from government and legacy media, as the sole source of truth, will find the first had accounts far more human, far more honest than they were led to believe. That by reading these accounts, they too have been deceived by a system we are taught to trust. In these pages they will discover a story of unbelievable strength, spontaneity, integrity and moral courage in the face of its opposite. Here they will discover the power of hope and faith in a democratic system that would listen, here is the unadulterated truth not the spin from within the systems perception management teams.
Ordinary kiwis came together to help each other, to feed, and support those who set up camp waiting for the Ardern government to send a representative of the people to speak to the people. You will read first-hand accounts of people who experienced the togetherness of a shared purpose, the arguments that invariably arise with so many people and the way they navigated through it and the friendships made. The logistics of such a spontaneous gathering and the millions of kiwis who supported it at home cheering them on in spirt. The number 8 kiwi wire attitude was clearly visible with support coming from every level of New Zealand society who wanted to believe that people power and people’s representation within a parliamentary system still worked. The book shows that it didn’t. instead it exposes some very nefarious actions by all political parties and by, association, every MP who failed in their responsibilities, they over reached and abused their power without regard.
Many have seen the documentary We Came Here For Freedom which showed the world a cruel and abusive government refusing to speak to the people and instead created propaganda to discredit them and finally give permission to an abusive police force to use whatever violence necessary to remove them, best summed up by this quote from Dan Picknell, former NZ Police frontline officer who served the people of NZ from 2003 to 2022
..”.. New Zealand Police, like many other Police organisations around the world have been captured and no longer serve the best interests of the people. Governments including our own have manipulated Police into becoming the enforcers of Globalist policies and ideologies that disregard human rights our well-being and the law, without co-operation from Police, these rogue Governments dictated to by international Globalists would not be able to successfully overpower the will of the people. New Zealand Police Commissioner Andrew Coster’s refusal to police independently of government or investigate serious matters of fraud, injury and death related to the New Zealand governments Covid-19 polices and jab programme has caused unnecessary suffering and hardship for many New Zealanders. Until police are prepared to act independently from government, we will continue to see abuse from the very organisations entrusted to serve and protect us the people.”..
In this book you will see the conversations gained from Official information Acts (OIA) between the police and the government that broke the rules of engagement between the rights of the people to protest and the treatment of protestors, who are after all voters. You will read the terms of the UN agreements on good policing policies and peaceful protesters rights thrown out the window. You will notice the absence of the human rights commissioner as human rights were side lined. You will be shocked at how there was never any one overseeing while the rules and terms of office be broken.
This is a book that gives the true accounting of this historic time and the way all Politian’s and officials abused the voting public. Lest we forget the freedom village was made up of those who were pro-choice and those who were forced to choose between losing their livelihoods and their homes by getting an experimental injection that as time has shown was never safe, nor was it effective.
Freedom village was populated by both the vaxxed and unvaxxed who stood together in unity against a political system, a medical system and a media that belittled, derided and demonised them from the start.
This is the true account of the biggest abuse and assault on freedoms and rights by a parliamentary and health system ever seen in this country. An enthralling read, an historic accounting, It is also a reminder to us all of just how easy it was for our rights to be over ridden and abused by an out-of-control system, who it seems answers to no one. I highly recommend this be essential reading so that history never repeats.
The official book launch was Thursday the 16th of May 2024 in Wellington. but you can purchase this book here